Cyndi, Elly, Liz, Grandma Eleanor, Brooke and Grandma Leona
at the shower, located in the YWCA

Mom and I, before the shower

Lynnette, myself and Liz at Valentino's (after the shower)

Ty, checking out the presents at the shower

Pam, Elly, Brooke and Linny

Myself, opening packages with the kids

Liz, handing out the quizzes

Liz, my Maid of Honor and our lovely host

Debi and Cyndi

Linny, Diane, Lynnette, Ty, Jean, Rylee, Joyce, Renita and Renee
Liz and Lynnette did such a lovely job with the decorations and the food! Liz's getting to know the bride and groom quiz was the best. I was amazed at how hard the questions about Andrew were, even for me! It was such a wonderful shower.