Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sarabande Music

We found one very good lead on a jazz ensemble. My friend Michelle mentioned that her friends were in a band that could play as a string quartet, jazz ensemble or provide DJ services for wedding receptions. They also play around town. She gave me their phone number, and I spoke with one of the band members last night.

It sounds like they are willing to work with couples no matter their music budget and we don’t have to commit to how many hours we’d like for them to play until the night of the reception. They can do dance jazz, listening jazz, pop jazz or a combo. We can also have as few a three instruments or up to six. They have an electric violin player, which is intriguing to Andrew, who loves violin music.

They have a lot of gigs scheduled around town in the next few weeks. This Saturday they will be playing at the Meadowlark Coffee House from 8-11 PM, so I think I might go check them out that night. It sounds like I’m welcome to talk with the band leader while they’re on break and let him know that I’m interested in hiring him to play my wedding reception. I’ve really got a good feeling about this band so far!

Another member of another band I called last night was really snippy. Apparently I was bothering him during dinner (at 4:55 PM...opps). I apologized and offered to call back another time. He asked me what my date was. Upon hearing the answer he told me that I was asking way to far in advance and that he might not be able to help me just because I wanted to get things in order in advance. So, I really don’t feel comfortable working with him based on our first conversation.

I am excited to hear the Sarabande jazz group play, and I have a few other bands we’re still checking into, so I’m not too worried that my other phone conversation didn’t go that well. I’m would still love to get more recommendations if anyone knows any other jazz ensembles here in town.

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